Summary of change ar 60020 army command policy this administrative revision, dated 6 november 2014o updates equal opportunity policy paras 62 c8c and 6. The covers are laminated for weather protection with black and white inside printing. To ensure fair treatment for all persons based solely on merit, fitness, and capability in support of readiness. This regulation, army regulation ar 60020 army command policy november 2014, prescribes the policies and responsibilities of command. T h i s r e g u l a t i o n p r e s c r i b e s personnel developer responsibilities in car e e r f i e l d m a n a g e m e n t f o r o f f i c e r. Ar 60020 army command policy has recently been revised with important changes involving family care plans. This regulation prescribes the policy and responsibility of command, which includes readiness and resiliency of the force military and personal discipline and conduct, the army equal opportunity program, prevention of sexual harassment, and the army sexual assault prevention and response. Personnelgeneral effective writing for army leaders. Find instructions for applying for retirement in chapter 12, ar 635. The portions affected by this rar are listed in the summary of change.
Department of the army washington, dc 12 april 2006 personnelgeneral officer transfers and discharges army regulation 600824 effective 12 may 2006 history. To designate a guardian to care for your children in your absence. T h e p o r t i o n s a f f e c t e d b y t h i s r a r a r e l i s t e d i n t h e s u m m a r y o f change. Digital version available us army combined arms center. Army regulation ar 60020 army command policy november 2014 kindle edition by united states government us army. The army publishing directorate apd is the army s centralized departmental publishing organization in support of readiness. T h e p o r t i o n s affected by this administrative revision are in the summary of change.
United states army tradoc analysis center microsoft word. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The update printing publishes a new department of the army pamphlet. T h i s p u b l i c a t i o n i s a m a j o r revision. Identification, surveillance, and administration of. Apd manages, authenticates, indexes, sustains, procures printing, distributes publications, forms, and digital media. It also applies to department of the army civilians, and to u. T h i s r e g u l a t i o n i m p l e m e n t s dodi 32. Soldiers may apply for retirement up to one year 12 monthsprior to requested retirement date, but not. Accept the duties and responsibilities of current rank and duty position per ar 60020, ar 61121, and fm 722. A family care plan should assist soldiers in providing for the care of their family members while the soldier is away from home due to military requirements including during annual training, regularly scheduled battle assemblies or deployment. A family care plan should assist soldiers in providing for the care of their family members while the soldier is away from home due to military requirements including during annual training, regularly scheduled battle assemblies or.
Army directive 201537 breastfeeding and lactation policy. T h i s r e g u l a t i o n p r e s c r i b e s department of the army policy for proper wear and appearance of army uniforms and insignia, as worn by officers and enlisted personnel of the active army and. Ar 60020, army command policy our listing of army regulation ar 60020 links, current and historical, for your convenience ar 60020, army command policy current version, 6 november 2014 historical archives of ar 60020, army command policy 18 march 2008, ar 60020, rmy command policy 7 june 2006, ar 60020, army command policy may 2002, ar 60020. Ar 60020 18 march 2008 67 harassment also includes printed material for example, displaying sexually oriented pictures or cartoons. This regulation provides department of the army policy, criteria, and administrative instructions concerning in. Department of the army washington, dc 11 september 2015 personnelgeneral u. My army publications ar 60020 army command policy dated 6 nov 2014 this book is a mini 7 14 inches high by 5 12 inches wide size a popular size to carry anywhere briefcase, large pocket, purse but the print is large enough for easy reading. Tradoc regulations united states army training and. Sexual assault is intentional sexual contact characterized by the use of force, threats, intimidation, or abuse of authority or when the victim does not or cannot consent. Domestic violence amendment to the gun control act of 1968 lautenberg amendment ar 60020, 423 1. Command is the authority a person in the military service lawfully exercises over. This site contains questions and answers for army boards. Department of the army washington, dc 11 december 2006 personnelgeneral military awards army regulation 600822 effective 11 january 2007 h i s t o r y.
Army noncommissioned officer professional development guide department of the army pamphlet 60025 h i s t o r y. Summary of change ar 600 20 army command policy this administrative revision, dated 6 november 2014o updates equal opportunity policy paras 62 c8c and 62 c8f. The army substance abuse program army regulation 60085 effective 17 february 2009 history. The domestic violence amendment to the gun control act of 1968 section 922, title 18, united states code 18 usc 922, the lautenberg amendment, a.
The purpose is to help soldiers become better educated and earn quicker army promotions by assisting in not only their army educations but also their college educations as well. Commanders will designate a private space with locking. This pamphlet applies to the active army, army national. Army regulation 6701 effective 30 april 2014 h i s t o r y. Effective writing for army leaders department of the army pamphlet 60067 history. This reg gives commanding officers direction on a wide range of issues. Ar 600 20 main topics are army command policy guidance, equal opportunity eo, sharp sexual harassmentassault response and prevention program. My army publications ar 600 20 army command policy dated 6 nov 2014 this book is a mini 7 14 inches high by 5 12 inches wide size a popular size to carry anywhere briefcase, large pocket, purse but the print is large enough for easy reading. This regulation prescribes army policy for the suspension of favorable personnel actions flag function of the military personnel system. Military awards army regulation 600822 effective 25 july 2015 h i s t o r y. This regulation provides department of the army policy, criteria, and. Army noncommissioned officer professional development guide. Coast guard officers, officers of allied armed forces, and employees of the u.
Army regulation ar 60020 army command policy november 2014. The army has just released a new version of ar 60020, army command policy pdf. No da official will, directly or indirectly, impede or otherwise interfere with. Army publishing directorate army publishing directorate. The army personnel development system army regulation 6003 effective 26 march 2009 h i s t o r y. Ar 60020 this site contains information about ar 60020 army command policy guidance, equal opportunity eo, sharp sexual harassmentassault response and prevention program.
Makes it unlawful for any person to transfer, issue, sell or otherwise dispose of. What ar covers the policies and responsibilities of command, which include the wellbeing of the force, military discipline, and conduct, the army eo program, and the army sexual assault victim program. Records management preparing and managing correspondence army regulation 2550 effective 17 june 20 h i s t o r y. Army command policy army regulation 60020 effective 18 april 2008 history. You can access these ars via the army publishing agencys website. Uniform and insignia wear and appearance of army uniforms and. This guide was downloaded from, a non government, privatelysponsored. Health promotion, risk reduction, and suicide prevention. Soldiers who want to continue breastfeeding upon return to duty will notify their chain of command as soon as possible to allow the command to determine how best to support them. As the army moved to army force generation arforgen and units rotated out of iraq and afghanistan on a frequent basis, reconstitution. Ar 60020 army command policy this rapid action revision, dated 20 september 2012o updates policy for the administration of unit command climate surveys.
This regulation supersedes ar 60020, dated 18 march 2008. Hazing is defined as any conduct whereby one military member or employee, regardless of service or rank, unnecessarily causes another military. I will not abide obscene gestures, language, or behavior. Summary of change ar 60020 army command policy this administrative revision, dated 6 november 2014o updates equal opportunity policy paras 62 c8c and 62 c8f. T h e p o r t i o n s affected by this administrative revision are listed in the summary of change. When i recognize a threat to my fellow soldiers, i will have the personal courage to intervene and prevent sexual assault. T h i s r e g u l a t i o n p r e s c r i b e s department of the army policy for proper wear and appearance of army uniforms and insignia, as. This regulation, army regulation ar 600 20 army command policy november 2014, prescribes the policies and responsibilities of command. Personnelgeneral salutes, honors, and visits of courtesy. Ar 600 20 18 march 2008 67 harassment also includes printed material for example, displaying sexually oriented pictures or cartoons. Family care plan update ar 60020 the griffon 108th. Relationships between soldiers of different ranks the coalition of.
T h i s p a m p h l e t o u t l i n e s, f o r army leaders, the standards of ar 60070 and sets staff writing guidelines to achieve those standards. United states army center for initial military training microsoft. Department of the army retirement planning briefing. Treatment of persons the army is a valuesbased organization. United states army combined arms support center and sustainment center of excellence microsoft word. Ar 60020 army command policy leader development for army. Latest articles in army regulations ar 5100 ar 72550 ar 70047 ar 67274. Ar 600 20 army command policy this rapid action revision, dated 20 september 2012o updates policy for the administration of unit command climate surveys. It is linked to ar 6008 and provides principles of support, standards of service, and policies regarding the initiation, transfer, removal, and management of flags.
This pamphlet provides guidance on noncommissioned officer profes. T h i s p u b l i c a t i o n i s a n a d m i n i s t r a t i v e r e v i s i o n. The army affirms the rights of a spouse of a soldier to pursue and hold a job, attend school, or perform volunteer services on or off a military installation. The domestic violence amendment to the gun control act of 1968 section 922, title 18, united states code 18 usc 922, the lautenberg amendment, makes it unlawful for any person to transfer, issue, sell or otherwise dispose of firearms or. Equal opportunity program through revisions to ar 600 20 army command policy dated 6 november 2014, army directive 20 29 army command climate assessments, army directive 201539 inclusion of sexual orientation in the military equal opportunity program. Uniform and insignia wear and appearance of army uniforms. Equal opportunity program through revisions to ar 60020 army command policy dated 6 november 2014, army directive 20 29 army command climate assessments, army directive 201539 inclusion of sexual orientation in the military equal opportunity program. Enhance combat performance for the current and next higher rank and duty position per ar 60020 and fm 22100 being revised as fm 622.